


1 ADAM familyと関節リウマチの病態
2 乾癬性関節炎におけるIL-17の影響
3 関節リウマチにおけるJAK阻害薬のin vitroでの役割
4 サイトカイン・ケモカインの関節リウマチ滑膜でのネットワーク
5 関節リウマチでの糖鎖の影響

基礎実験ではサイトカインやケモカインなどの生体内分子を中心の研究課題としております。 またさまざまな疾患の疫学および臨床研究なども行っています。実際の業績は下記、主な研究業績(著書、論文)を参照してください。


1 リウマチ膠原病疾患におけるQOLと心因性因子の解析
2 関節リウマチの複合的レジストリーを用いた多次元的解析
3 全身性エリテマトーデスでの心血管イベントリスクの検討
4 全身性エリテマトーデスに影響する環境因子の検討
5 全身性エリテマトーデスと口腔衛生状態との関連
6 全身性エリテマトーデス患者の診療の質評価




1 SLEの遺伝情報を含む診断時コホート構築-個別医療を目指した機械学習とクラスター解析、柳井亮(代表)、文科省科研費若手研究、2024-2028年度
2 ステロイド誘発性満月様顔貌の定量による容姿変容ストレスの解明と管理ツールの開発、小黒奈緒(代表)、文科省科研費若手研究、2024-2026年度
3 RA診療の質指標の新たな挑戦: QI-PXギャップ評価と臨床監査介入で診療の改善を目指す、矢嶋宣幸(代表)、文科省科研費基盤研究(B)、2024-2026年度
4 思春期・若年成人(AYA世代)患者におけるリウマチ医療体制に資する研究、矢嶋宣幸(分担)、厚労科研費 免疫・アレルギー疾患政策研究事業、2024-2025年度


1 ベーチェット病に関する調査研究、矢嶋宣幸(分担)、厚労科研費 難治性疾患政策研究事業、2023年4月 - 2026年3月
2 介護・福祉・在宅医療現場における関節リウマチ患者支援に関する研究、矢嶋宣幸(分担)、厚労科研費 免疫・アレルギー疾患政策研究事業 2023年4月 - 2026年3月
3 関節リウマチ(RA)大規模データベースを用いた、移行期・AYA世代および妊娠期RA患者における疾患特性の異同を内包するライフステージの課題抽出とその解決に資する研究、矢嶋宣幸(分担)、AMEDゲノム医療実現推進プラットフォーム事業、2023-2025年度


1 trajectoryとEMAによるステロイド有害事象の機序解明と予防アプリ開発
2 文献レジストリ構築とリアルワールドデータによる膠原病予後因子の網羅的負荷推計
3 「医療機関およびチーム医療へのトラスト」の測定と応用:持続可能な医療体制をめざす
4 関節リウマチ患者における患者医師信頼関係・共同意思決定と経済的負担感との関連に関する検討
  矢嶋宣幸(代表)、公共財団法人ファイザーヘルスリサーチ振興財団 第31回(2022年度)ヘルスリサーチ研究助成 国内共同研究、2022年度
5 母体・小児の薬剤曝露と小児喘息発症との相関関係の評価:JMDCデータベースを用いた リアルワールドデータベース研究
城下彰宏(代表)、一般社団法人 ヘルスケア・データサイエンス研究所 2022年度(第6回)研究助成事業助成金、2022年度
6 関節液由来線維芽細胞のサブセット解析による治療抵抗性関節リウマチの病態解明と治療への応用
若林邦伸(代表)、日本リウマチ学会 D2TRAを含む難治性リウマチ性疾患に対する研究推進プログラム研究助成、2022年度


1 膠原病患者の疾患活動性と育児ストレス
2 関節液由来線維芽細胞の免疫表現型解析による関節リウマチの病態解明への挑戦
3 SLE患者の妊娠出産に関する診療の質指標開発と学会主導レジストリを用いた検証
羽多野美香(代表) 、文科省科研費基盤研究(C)、2021-2023年度
4 関節リウマチ骨破壊に関わる細胞間ネットワークを制御するADAM10の機能解明
5 免疫担当細胞eQTLデータを用いた免疫介在性疾患ゲノム情報からの層別化および予後予測モデルの構築
6 全身性エリテマトーデス患者の末梢血シングルセル情報を有したコホートによる妊娠合併症の発症機序の解明と発症リスクの同定
7 関節リウマチ診療ガイドラインの改訂による医療水準の向上に関する研究班  矢嶋宣幸(分担)、厚労科研免疫・アレルギー疾患政策研究事業


1 全身性エリテマトーデス患者の行動変容を促すモバイルヘルスシステム開発と効果検証
2 PRO-CTCAEの日本語版の実臨床および臨床試験における有効性の評価


1 IT社会の医療情報が医療トラストに与えるメカニズムの解明:若年膠原病を対象として
2 情報通信技術を活用した多職種連携による臨床研究リテラシー修得支援に関する実践研究
3 ライフステージに応じた関節リウマチ患者支援に関する研究


1 オキシトシンを標的とした抑うつ状態合併関節リウマチのあらたな治療戦略の構築


1 電子診療情報と患者報告アウトカムを活用したSLE診療の質の評価システム開発と検証


1 関節リウマチにおけるフコシル化の機能解析


1 リウマチ性疾患の心理教育リハビリテーションプログラムの開発と適用


1 Yajima N, Kawaguchi T, Takahashi R, Nishiwaki H, Toyoshima Y, Oh K, Odai T, Kanai T, Morisky DE, Yamaguchi T, Kasama T. Adherence to methotrexate and associated factors considering social desirability in patients with rheumatoid arthritis: a multicenter cross-sectional study. BMC Rheumatol. 2022 Dec 17;6(1):75. doi: 10.1186/s41927-022-00305-8.
2 Oguro N, Yajima N, Miyawaki Y, Yoshimi R, Shimojima Y, Sada KE, Hayashi K, Shidahara K, Sakurai N, Hidekawa C, Kishida D, Ichikawa T, Ishikawa Y, Kurita N. Impact of communicative and critical health literacy on trust in physicians among patients with systemic lupus erythematosus: the TRUMP(2)-SLE project. J Rheumatol. 2022 Nov 15:jrheum.220678. doi: 10.3899/jrheum.220678. Online ahead of print.
3 Sada KE, Miyawaki Y, Shidahara K, Nawachi S, Katayama Y, Asano Y, Hayashi K, Ohashi K, Katsuyama E, Katsuyama T, Takano-Narazaki M, Matsumoto Y, Oguro N, Ishikawa Y, Sakurai N, Hidekawa C, Yoshimi R, Kishida D, Ichikawa T, Shimojima Y, Kurita N, Yajima N. Grit personality of physicians and achievement of treatment goals in patients with systemic lupus erythematosus. Rheumatology (Oxford). 2022 Oct 20:keac612. doi: 10.1093/rheumatology/keac612. Online ahead of print.
4 Kurita N, Oguro N, Miyawaki Y, Hidekawa C, Sakurai N, Ichikawa T, Ishikawa Y, Hayashi K, Shidahara K, Kishida D, Yoshimi R, Sada KE, Shimojima Y, Yajima N. Trust in the attending rheumatologist, health-related hope, and medication adherence among Japanese systemic lupus erythematosus patients. Rheumatology (Oxford). 2022 Oct 3:keac565. doi: 10.1093/rheumatology/keac565. Online ahead of print.
5 Tada N, Nobuyuki Y, Konishi N, Shiozawa E. Eosinophilic Granulomatosis With Polyangiitis With a Pathologically Proven Calcified Lung Nodule. J Rheumatol. 2022 Oct 1:jrheum.220378. doi: 10.3899/jrheum.220378. Online ahead of print.
6 Sada KE, Katayama Y, Asano Y, Hayashi K, Miyawaki Y, Ohashi K, Katsuyama E, Katsuyama T, Takano-Narazaki M, Matsumoto Y, Yoshimi R, Shimojima Y, Ohno S, Kajiyama H, Ichinose K, Sato S, Fujiwara M, Yajima N. Association of one-point glucocorticoid-free status with chronic damage and disease duration in systemic lupus erythematosus: a cross-sectional study. Lupus Sci Med. 2022 Sep;9(1):e000772. doi: 10.1136/lupus-2022-000772.
7 Miwa Y, Sugawara T, Kobayashi D, Maehara T. Tumor doubling time as preoperative predictor of malignancy and recurrence in newly diagnosed meningioma. Neurosurg Rev. 2022 Dec;45(6):3683-3687. doi: 10.1007/s10143-022-01869-2. Epub 2022 Sep 22.
8 Watanabe R, Oshima M, Nishioka N, Sada KE, Nagasaka K, Akiyama M, Ando T, Higuchi T, Inoue Y, Kida T, Mutoh T, Nakabayashi A, Onishi A, Sakai R, Waki D, Yamada Y, Yajima N, Tamura N, Kaname S, Harigai M. Systematic review and meta-analysis for 2023 clinical practice guidelines of the Japan research committee of the ministry of health, labour, and welfare for intractable vasculitis for the management of ANCA-associated vasculitis. Mod Rheumatol. 2022 Sep 16:roac114. doi: 10.1093/mr/roac114. Online ahead of print.
9 Shimojima Y, Kishida D, Ichikawa T, Kida T, Yajima N, Omura S, Nakagomi D, Abe Y, Kadoya M, Takizawa N, Nomura A, Kukida Y, Kondo N, Yamano Y, Yanagida T, Endo K, Hirata S, Matsui K, Takeuchi T, Ichinose K, Kato M, Yanai R, Matsuo Y, Nishioka R, Okazaki R, Takata T, Ito T, Moriyama M, Takatani A, Miyawaki Y, Ito-Ihara T, Kawaguchi T, Kawahito Y, Sekijima Y. Hypertrophic pachymeningitis in ANCA-associated vasculitis: a cross-sectional and multi-institutional study in Japan (J-CANVAS). Arthritis Res Ther. 2022 Aug 23;24(1):204. doi: 10.1186/s13075-022-02898-4.
10 Abe K, Ishikawa Y, Kita Y, Yajima N, Inoue E, Sada KE, Miyawaki Y, Yoshimi R, Shimojima Y, Ohno S, Kajiyama H, Ichinose K, Sato S, Fujiwara M. Association of low-dose glucocorticoid use and infection occurrence in systemic lupus erythematosus patients: a prospective cohort study. Arthritis Res Ther. 2022 Jul 28;24(1):179. doi: 10.1186/s13075-022-02869-9.
11 Waki D, Tamai H, Yokochi R, Kido T, Yagyu Y, Yanai R, Sada KE. Effects of anti-SSA antibodies on the response to methotrexate in rheumatoid arthritis: A retrospective multicenter observational study. PLoS One. 2022 Jul 22;17(7):e0271921. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0271921. eCollection 2022.
12 Hayashi K, Sada KE, Asano Y, Katayama Y, Ohashi K, Morishita M, Miyawaki Y, Watanabe H, Katsuyama T, Narazaki M, Matsumoto Y, Yajima N, Yoshimi R, Shimojima Y, Ohno S, Kajiyama H, Ichinose K, Sato S, Fujiwara M, Wada J. Real-world data on vitamin D supplementation and its impacts in systemic lupus erythematosus: Cross-sectional analysis of a lupus registry of nationwide institutions (LUNA). PLoS One. 2022 Jun 29;17(6):e0270569. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0270569. eCollection 2022.
13 Kimura N, Kawahara T, Uemura Y, Atsumi T, Sumida T, Mimura T, Kawaguchi Y, Amano H, Iwasaki Y, Kaneko Y, Matsui T, Muro Y, Imura Y, Kanda T, Tanaka Y, Kawakami A, Jinnin M, Ishii T, Hiromura K, Miwa Y, Nakajima H, Kuwana M, Nishioka Y, Morinobu A, Kameda H, Kohsaka H. Branched chain amino acids in the treatment of polymyositis and dermatomyositis: a phase II/III, multi-centre, randomized controlled trial. Rheumatology (Oxford). 2022 Nov 2;61(11):4445-4454. doi: 10.1093/rheumatology/keac101.
14 Kambayashi Y, Iseri K, Yamamoto Y, Abe M, Wada Y, Yanai R, Honda H. Bilateral renal subcapsular hematoma caused by polyarteritis nodosa: a case report. CEN Case Rep. 2022 Nov;11(4):399-403. doi: 10.1007/s13730-022-00691-5. Epub 2022 Feb 16.
15 Tamura N, Azuma T, Misaki K, Yamaguchi R, Hirano F, Sugiyama E, Kanai D, Murakawa Y, Oribe M, Kimata T, Aoki K, Sugiura T, Takasugi K, Takakubo Y, Tomita Y, Isozaki T, Nanki T, Katsuyama N, Kuroiwa T, Oshikawa H, Kaneko M, Fujinaga H, Saito K, Tanaka E, Inoue E, Yoshizawa Y, Matsumoto S, Yamanaka H, Harigai M. Effectiveness and safety of subcutaneous abatacept in biologic-naïve RA patients at Week 52: A Japanese multicentre investigational study (ORIGAMI study). Mod Rheumatol. 2022 Aug 20;32(5):846-856. doi: 10.1093/mr/roab090.
16 Ryohei Yamamoto, Hajime Yamazaki, Seibi Kobara, Hiromi Iizuka, Yasukazu Hijikata, Jun Miyashita, Yuki Kataoka, Nobuyuki Yajima, Toshio Miyata, Sugihiro Hamaguchi, Takafumi Wakita, Yosuke Yamamoto, Shunichi Fukuhara. Development and initial psychometric validation of the COVID-19 Pandemic Burden Index for healthcare workers. J Gen Intern Med. in press.
17 Ryo Yanai, Nobuyuki Yajima, Nao Oguro, Yasuhiro Shimojima, Shigeru Ohno, Hiroshi Kajiyama, Kunihiro Ichinose, Shuzo Sato, Michio Fujiwara, Yoshia Miyawaki, Ryusuke Yoshimi, Takashi Kida, Yusuke Matsuo, Keisuke Nishimura, Ken-ei Sada. Number of attending physicians and accumulated organ damage in patients with systemic lupus erythematosus: LUNA registry cross-sectional study. in presss.
18 Sada Ken-ei*, Kurita Noriaki*, Noma Hisashi*, Matsuki Taizo*, Quasny Holly, Levy Roger, Jones-Leone Angela, Gairy Kerry, Yajima Nobuyuki* (*equally contributed). MOONLIGHT study: The design of a comparative study of the effectiveness of belimumab in patients with a history of lupus nephritis from the post-Marketed effectiveness of belimumab cOhOrt and JapaN Lupus natIonwide reGistry (LUNA) coHorT. Lupus Sci Med. in press.


1 Oguro N, Suzuki R, Yajima N, Sakurai K, Wakita T, Hall MA, Kurita N. The impact that family members' health care experiences have on patients' trust in physicians. BMC Health Serv Res. 2021 Oct 19;21(1):1122. doi: 10.1186/s12913-021-07172-y.
2 Muraoka S, Yamada Z, Kawazoe M, Hirose W, Kono H, Yasuda S, Komano Y, Kawano H, Hidaka T, Nakashima S, Kasama T, Teramoto T, Nanki T; ABT-ATS study group. Rheumatol Ther. 2021 Dec;8(4):1585-1601. doi: 10.1007/s40744-021-00356-2. Epub 2021 Aug 26. Abatacept is Efficacious in the Treatment of Older Patients with csDMARD-Refractory Rheumatoid Arthritis: A Prospective, Multicenter, Observational Study. 
3 Toyoshima Y, Yajima N, Nemoto T, Namiki O, Inagaki K. Relationship between disease activity level and physical activity in rheumatoid arthritis using a triaxial. BMC Res Notes. 2021 Jun 27;14(1):242. doi: 10.1186/s13104-021-05666-w. accelerometer and self-reported questionnaire. 
4 Suzuki R, Yajima N, Sakurai K, Oguro N, Wakita T, Thom DH, Kurita N. Association of Patients' Past Misdiagnosis Experiences with Trust in Their Current Physician Among Japanese Adults. J Gen Intern Med. 2022 Apr;37(5):1115-1121. doi: 10.1007/s11606-021-06950-y. Epub 2021 Jun 22.
5 Okada T, Kohyama N, Takenaka M, Yamaguchi T, Kurihara T, Sakurai K, Miwa Y, Kogo M. Scoring Model to Predict a Low Disease Activity in Elderly Rheumatoid Arthritis Patients Initially Treated with Biological Disease-modifying Antirheumatic Drugs. Intern Med. 2021;60(12):1827-1834. doi: 10.2169/internalmedicine.6251-20. Epub 2021 Jun 15.
6 Hirasawa Y, Yoshimura K, Matsui H, Kubota Y, Ishida H, Arai J, Sakaki M, Oguro N, Shida M, Taniguchi M, Hamada K, Ariizumi H, Ishiguro T, Ohkuma R, Sambe T, Horiike A, Imamura CK, Shiozawa E, Wada S, Tsurutani J, Iwamoto S, Uchida N, Kiuchi Y, Tate G, Kobayashi S, Tsunoda T. A case report on severe nivolumab-induced adverse events similar to primary sclerosing cholangitis refractory to immunosuppressive therapy. Medicine (Baltimore). 2021 Jun 11;100(23):e25774. doi: 10.1097/MD.0000000000025774.
7 Wakabayashi K, Isozaki T, Tsubokura Y, Fukuse S, Kasama T. Eotaxin-1/CCL11 is involved in cell migration in rheumatoid arthritis. Sci Rep. 2021 Apr 12;11(1):7937. doi: 10.1038/s41598-021-87199-7.
8 Saito M, Yajima N, Yanai R, Tsubokura Y, Ichinose K, Yoshimi R, Ohno S, Sada KE. Prevalence and treatment conditions for hypertension and dyslipidaemia complicated with systemic lupus erythematosus: A multi-centre cross-sectional study. Lupus. 2021 Jun;30(7):1146-1153. doi: 10.1177/09612033211006790. Epub 2021 Apr 1.
9 Miyawaki Y, Shimizu S, Ogawa Y, Sada KE, Katayama Y, Asano Y, Hayashi K, Yamamura Y, Hiramatsu-Asano S, Ohashi K, Morishita M, Watanabe H, Takano-Narazaki M, Matsumoto Y, Yajima N, Yoshimi R, Shimojima Y, Ohno S, Kajiyama H, Ichinose K, Sato S, Fujiwara M, Yamazaki H, Yamamoto Y, Wada J, Fukuhara S. Association of glucocorticoid doses and emotional health in lupus low disease activity state (LLDAS): a cross-sectional study. Arthritis Res Ther. 2021 Mar 10;23(1):79. doi: 10.1186/s13075-021-02466-2.
10 Yamaguchi T, Kohyama N, Takenaka M, Okada T, Kurihara T, Sakurai K, Miwa Y, Kogo M. Factors predicting addition of disease-modifying antirheumatic drugs after initial methotrexate monotherapy in patients with rheumatoid arthritis. Clin Rheumatol. 2021 Jul;40(7):2657-2663. doi: 10.1007/s10067-021-05599-6. Epub 2021 Jan 22.
11 Honda S, Sakai R, Inoue E, Majima M, Konda N, Takada H, Kihara M, Yajima N, Nanki T, Yamamoto K, Takeuchi T, Harigai M. Association of methotrexate use and lymphoproliferative disorder in patients with rheumatoid arthritis: Results from a Japanese multi-institutional retrospective study. Mod Rheumatol. 2022 Jan 5;32(1):16-23. doi: 10.1080/14397595.2020.1869370.


1 Ikari Y, Yajima N, Miwa Y. The association between age and adverse events due to biologic disease-modifying antirheumatic drugs in patients with rheumatoid arthritis: A retrospective cohort study. Medicine (Baltimore). 2020 Dec 24;99(52):e23861. doi: 10.1097/MD.0000000000023861.
2 Isozaki T, Homma T, Sagara H, Kasama T. Role of Cytokines in EGPA and the Possibility of Treatment with an Anti-IL-5 Antibody. J Clin Med. 2020 Nov 30;9(12):3890. doi: 10.3390/jcm9123890.
3 Nagaoka S, Katayama K, Kasama T, Sato M, Ohno S, Amasaki Y, Kataoka H, Furusaki A, Kon Y, Okamoto M, Sasano M, Sagawa A. Weekly split-dose regimen for oral methotrexate reduced polyglutamation in red blood cells in patients with rheumatoid arthritis compared with single-dose regimen: Results from a multicentered randomized control trial. Int J Rheum Dis. 2020 Oct;23(10):1328-1336. doi: 10.1111/1756-185X.13931. Epub 2020 Sep 8.
4 Saito T, Mizobuchi M, Miwa Y, Sugiyama M, Mima Y, Iida A, Kanazawa N, Morikawa T, Hayashi J, Fukuda K, Shikida Y, Suzuki T, Honda H. Anti-MDA-5 antibody-positive clinically amyopathic dermatomyositis with rapidly progressive interstitial lung disease treated with therapeutic plasma exchange: A case series. J Clin Apher. 2021 Feb;36(1):196-205. doi: 10.1002/jca.21833. Epub 2020 Aug 21. 
5 Hosonuma M, Sakai N, Furuya H, Kurotaki Y, Sato Y, Handa K, Dodo Y, Ishikawa K, Tsubokura Y, Negishi-Koga T, Tsuji M, Kasama T, Kiuchi Y, Takami M, Isozaki T. Inhibition of hepatocyte growth factor/c-Met signalling abrogates joint destruction by suppressing monocyte migration in rheumatoid arthritis. Rheumatology (Oxford). 2021 Jan 5;60(1):408-419. doi: 10.1093/rheumatology/keaa310.
6 Svensson MND, Zoccheddu M, Yang S, Nygaard G, Secchi C, Doody KM, Slowikowski K, Mizoguchi F, Humby F, Hands R, Santelli E, Sacchetti C, Wakabayashi K, Wu DJ, Barback C, Ai R, Wang W, Sims GP, Mydel P, Kasama T, Boyle DL, Galimi F, Vera D, Tremblay ML, Raychaudhuri S, Brenner MB, Firestein GS, Pitzalis C, Ekwall AH, Stanford SM, Bottini N. Synoviocyte-targeted therapy synergizes with TNF inhibition in arthritis reversal. Sci Adv. 2020 Jun 26;6(26):eaba4353. doi: 10.1126/sciadv.aba4353. eCollection 2020 Jun.
7 Ohashi K, Sada KE, Asano Y, Hayashi K, Yamamura Y, Asano SH, Miyawaki Y, Morishita M, Katsuyama E, Watanabe H, Tatebe N, Narazaki M, Matsumoto Y, Sunahori-Watanabe K, Kawabata T, Yajima N, Wada J. Risk Factors for Chronic Damage Accumulation Across Different Onset Eras in Systemic Lupus Erythematosus: A Cross-sectional Analysis of a Lupus Registry of Nationwide Institutions (LUNA). Acta Med Okayama. 2020 Jun;74(3):191-198. doi: 10.18926/AMO/59949.
8 Matoba M, Suzuki T, Ochiai H, Shirasawa T, Yoshimoto T, Minoura A, Sano H, Ishii M, Kokaze A, Otake H, Kasama T, Kamijo Y. Seven-day services in surgery and the "weekend effect" at a Japanese teaching hospital: a retrospective cohort study. Patient Saf Surg. 2020 Jun 4;14:24. doi: 10.1186/s13037-020-00250-w. eCollection 2020.
9 Wen Y, Yang S, Wakabayashi K, Svensson MND, Stanford SM, Santelli E, Bottini N. RPTPα phosphatase activity is allosterically regulated by the membrane-distal catalytic domain. J Biol Chem. 2020 Apr 10;295(15):4923-4936. doi: 10.1074/jbc.RA119.011808. Epub 2020 Mar 5.
10 Miwa Y, Mitamura Y. Effects of biologic drugs on the prognosis of rheumatoid arthritis among patients with poor diabetes control. Eur J Rheumatol. 2020 Apr;7(2):60-63. doi: 10.5152/eurjrheum.2019.19144. Epub 2020 Jan 2.
11 Hosonuma M, Yajima N, Takahashi R, Yanai R, Matsuyama TA, Toyosaki E, Saito J, Kusano K, Morita H. Fragmented QRS complex in patients with systemic lupus erythematosus at the time of diagnosis and its relationship with disease activity. PLoS One. 2020 Jan 2;15(1):e0227022. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0227022. eCollection 2020.
12 Hattori N, Kuroda M, Katano H, Takuma T, Ito T, Arai N, Yanai R, Sekizuka T, Ishii S, Miura Y, Tokunaga T, Watanabe H, Nomura N, Eguchi J, Hasegawa H, Nakamaki T, Wakita T, Niki Y. Candidatus Mycoplasma haemohominis in Human, Japan. Emerg Infect Dis. 2020 Jan;26(1):11-19. doi: 10.3201/eid2601.190983.


1 Nishimi S, Isozaki T, Wakabayashi K, Takeuchi H, Kasama T. A Disintegrin and Metalloprotease 15 is Expressed on Rheumatoid Arthritis Synovial. Cells. 2019 Jan 9;8(1):32. doi: 10.3390/cells8010032.
2 Oguro N, Yajima N, Miwa Y. Age and quality of life in patients with rheumatoid arthritis treated with biologic agents. Mod Rheumatol. 2020 Jan;30(1):44-49. doi: 10.1080/14397595.2018.1551274. Epub 2019 Jan 3.
3 Isojima S, Miura Y, Saito M, Yajima N, Miwa Y, Kasama T. Serum anti-Müllerian hormone levels in women with rheumatoid arthritis during tumor necrosis factor-α. Obstet Med. 2019 Dec;12(4):186-189. doi: 10.1177/1753495X18820471. Epub 2019 Jan 9. inhibitor treatment: Exploratory research
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7 Ishii S, Isozaki T, Furuya H, Takeuchi H, Tsubokura Y, Inagaki K, Kasama T. ADAM-17 is expressed on rheumatoid arthritis fibroblast-like synoviocytes and regulates proinflammatory mediator expression and monocyte adhesion. Arthritis Res Ther. 2018 Aug 2;20(1):159-166.
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5 Edhayan G, Ohara RA, Stinson WA, Amin MA, Isozaki T, Ha CM, Haines GK 3rd, Morgan R, Campbell PL, Arbab AS, Friday SC, Fox DA, Ruth JH. Inflammatory properties of inhibitor of DNA binding 1 secreted by synovial fibroblasts in rheumatoid arthritis. Arthritis Res Ther. 2016 Apr 12;18:87.
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8 Miwa Y, Saito, M, Furuya H, Yanai R, Ikari Y, Hayashi T, Kasama T, Toyoshima Y, Inagaki K. Clinical characteristics of rheumatoid arthritis patients achieving functional remission after six months of non-tumor necrosis factor biological disease-modifying antirheumatic drugs (DMARDS) treatment. Internal Medicine. 2017;56:2271-2275.
9 Isozaki T, Nishimi S, Nishimi A, Saito M, Miwa Y, Toyoshima Y, Inagaki K, Kasama T. A disintegrin and metalloproteinase (ADAM)- 10 as a predictive factor for tocilizumab effectiveness in rheumatoid arthritis. Mod Rheumatol. 2017;27(5):782-786.
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1 Isozaki T, Nishimi S, Nishimi A, Saito M, Miwa Y, Toyoshima Y, Inagaki K, Kasama T. A disintegrin and metalloproteinase (ADAM)-10 as a predictive factor for tocilizumab effectiveness in rheumatoid arthritis. Mod Rheumatol. 2016 Dec 23:1-5. [Epub ahead of print]
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3 Miwa Y, Isojima S, Saito M, Ikari Y, Kobuna M, Hayashi T, Takahashi R, Kasama T, Hosaka M, Sanada K. Comparative Study of Infliximab Therapy and Methotrexate Monotherapy to Improve the Clinical Effect in Rheumatoid Arthritis Patients. Intern Med. 2016;55(18):2581-5.
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5 Kasama T, Isozaki T, Takahashi R, Miwa Y. Clinical effects of tocilizumab on cytokines and immunological factors in patients with rheumatoid arthritis. Int Immunopharmacol. 2016 Jun;35:301-6.
6 Edhayan G, Ohara RA, Stinson WA, Amin MA, Isozaki T, Ha CM, Haines GK 3rd, Morgan R, Campbell PL, Arbab AS, Friday SC, Fox DA, Ruth JH. Inflammatory properties of inhibitor of DNA binding 1 secreted by synovial fibroblasts in rheumatoid arthritis. Arthritis Res Ther. 2016 Apr 12;18:87.
7 Kasama T, Maeoka A, Oguro N. Clinical features of neuropsychiatric syndromes in systemic lupus erythematosus and other connective tissue diseases Clin Med Insights Arthritis Musculoskelet Disord. 2016 Jan 18;9:1-8.
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1 Isozaki T, Ishii S, Nishimi S, Nishimi A, Oguro N, Seki S, Miura Y, Miwa Y, Oh K, Toyoshima Y, Nakamura M, Inagaki K and Kasama T. A disintegrin and metaroprotease-10 is correlated with disease activity and mediates monocyte migration and adhesion in rheumatoid arthritis. Transl Res. 2015; 166(3): 244-253.
2 Tokunaga T, Miwa Y, Nishimi A, Nishimi S, Saito M, Oguro N, Miura Y, Ishii S, Takahashi R, Kasama T, and Sanada K; Sex Differences in the Effects of a Biological Drug for Rheumatoid Arthritis on Depressive State. The Open Rheumatology Journal, 2015, 9, 51-56
3 Amin MA, Campbell PL, Ruth JH, Isozaki T, Rabquer BJ, Alex Stinson W, O'Brien M, Edhayan G, Ohara RA, Vargo J, Domino SE, Koch AE. A key role for Fut1-regulated angiogenesis and ICAM-1 expression in K/BxN arthritis. Ann Rheum Dis. 2015 Jul;74(7):1459-66.
4 Ishii S, Miwa Y, Otsuka K, Nishimi S, Nishimi A, Saito M, Miura Y, Oguro N, Tokunaga T, Takahashi R, Kasama T. Influence of renal complications on the efficacy and adverse events of tacrolimus combination therapy in patients with systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) during a maintenance phase: a single-centre, prospective study. Lupus Sci Med. 2015 May 29;2(1)
5 Ogata A, Amano K, Dobashi H, Inoo M, Ishii T, Kasama T, Kawai S, Kawakami A, Koike T, Miyahara H, Miyamoto T, Munakata Y, Murasawa A, Nishimoto N, Ogawa N, Ojima T, Sano H, Shi K, Shono E, Suematsu E, Takahashi H, Tanaka Y, Tsukamoto H, Nomura A; MUSASHI Study Investigators. Longterm Safety and Efficacy of Subcutaneous Tocilizumab Monotherapy: Results from the 2-year Open-label Extension of the MUSASHI Study. J Rheumatol. 2015 May;42(5):799-809.
6 Umemura M, Miwa Y, Yanai R, Isojima S, Tokunaga T, Tsukamoto H, Takahashi R, Yajima N, Kasama T, Takahashi N, Sueki H, Yamaguchi S, Arai K, Takeuchi Y, Ohike N, Norose T, Yamochi-Onizuka T, Takimoto M. A case of Degos disease: demonstration of C5b-9-mediated vascular injury. Mod Rheumatol. 2015 May;25(3):480-3.
7 Yamanaka H, Nagaoka S, Lee SK, Bae SC, Kasama T, Kobayashi H, Nishioka Y, Ueki Y, Seto Y, Nishinarita M, Tamura N, Kimura N, Saito K, Tomita T, Nawata Y, Suzuki S, Ishigatsubo Y, Munakata Y, Makino Y, Inoue E, Tanaka Y, Takeuchi T; ENCOURAGE study group. Discontinuation of etanercept after achievement of sustained remission in patients with rheumatoid arthritis who initially had moderate disease activity-results from the ENCOURAGE study, a prospective, international, multicenter randomized study. Mod Rheumatol. 2015 Dec 23:1-11. [Epub ahead of print]
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1 Kasama T, Oguro N, Miura Y and Isozaki T. Fractalkine/CX3CL1 and CX3CR1 in rheumatoid arthritis and related conditions. Book; Advances in Medicine and Biology. Volume 75, Chapter6, Editor, Leon V. Berhardt, 2014, pp103-118.


1 Kasama T, Isojima S, Umemura M, Tsukamoto H, Tokunaga T, Furuya H, Yanai R, Takahashi R, Nakamura M, and Inagaki K. Serum macrophage migration inhibitory factor levels are correlated with response to tocilizumab therapy in patients with rheumatoid arthritis. Rheumatol Int 2014; 34: 429-433.
2 Umemura M, Miwa Y, Yanai R, Isojima S, Tokunaga T, Tsukamoto H, Takahashi R, Yajima N, Kasama T, Takahashi N, Sueki H, Yamaguchi S, Arai K, Takeuchi Y, Ohike N, Norose T, Yamochi-Onizuka T, and Takimoto M. A case of Degos disease: demonstration of C5b-9-mediated vascular injury. Mod Rheumatol 2014
3 Takahashi R, Isojima S, Umemura M, Miura Y, Oguro N, Ishii S, Seki S, Tokunaga T, Tsukamoto H, Furuya H, Yanai R, and Kasama T. Serum anti-cyclic citrullinated protein antibody titers are correlated with the response to biological agents in patients with rheumatoid arthritis. Open Access Rheumatology: Research and Reviews 2014:6 57–6.
4 Hirohata S, Kasama T, Kawahito Y and Takabayashi K. Efficacy of anti-ribosomal P protein antibody testing for diagnosis of systemic lupus erythematosus. Mod Rheumatol. 2014
5 Isozaki T, Amin MA, Arbab AS, Koch AE, Ha CM, Edhayan G, Haines GK 3rd, Ruth JH. Inhibitor of DNA binding 1 as a secreted angiogenic transcription factor in rheumatoid arthritis. Arthritis Res Ther. 2014 Mar 13;16(2):R68.
6 Isozaki T, Ruth JH, Amin MA, Campbell PL, Tsou PS, Ha CM, Haines GK 3rd and Koch AE. Fucosyltransferase 1 mediates angiogenesis, cell adhesion and rheumatoid arthritis synovial fibroblast proliferation. Arthritis Res Ther. 2014 Jan 28;16(1):R28.
7 Amin MA, Campbell PL, Ruth JH, Isozaki T, Rabquer BJ, Alex Stinson W, O'Brien M, Edhayan G, Ohara RA, Vargo J, Domino SE, Koch AE. A key role for Fut1-regulated angiogenesis and ICAM-1 expression in K/BxN arthritis. Ann Rheum Dis 2014 :(0)1-8..
8 Isozaki T, Amin MA, Ruth JH, Campbell PL, Tsou PS, Ha CM, Domino SE and Koch AE. Fucosyltransferase 1 mediates angiogenesis in rheumatoid arthritis. Arthritis Rheumatol 2014: 66(8):2047-58.
9 Yoshida K, Korchynskyi O, Tak PP, Isozaki T, Ruth JH, Campbell PL, Baeten DL, Gerlag DM, Amin MA, Koch AE. Citrullination of epithelial neutrophil-activating peptide 78/CXCL5 results in conversion from a non-monocyte-recruiting chemokine to a monocyte-recruiting chemokine. Arthritis Rheumatol 2014: 66(10):2716-27.
10 Miwa Y, Nishimi A, Nishimi S, Saito M, Tokunaga T, Yanai R, Takahashi R, Wakabayashi K, Kasama T, and Hosaka M. Combined infliximab and methotrexate treatment improves the depressive state in rheumatoid arthritis patients more effectively than methotrexate alone. Eur J Rheum 2014: 4:147-9.
11 Otsuka K, Miwa Y, Ishii S, Seki S, Miura Y, Oguro N, Isojima S, Tokunaga T, Umemura M, Yanai R, Furuya H, and Kasama T. Steroid-sparing effect of tacrolimus in the maintenance phase of systemic lupus erythematosus: a single-center, prospective study. Clin Exp Med Sci 2014: 2(3): 75-86.
12 Miwa Y, Nishimi A, Nishimi S, Saito M, Ishii S, Seki S, Miura Y, Oguro N, Takahashi R and Kasama T. Cytopenia in Rheumatoid Arthritis Caused by Salazosulfapyridine. Clin Exp Med Sci 2014: 2(3): 97-106.
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14 Umemura M, Isozaki T, Ishii S, Seki S, Oguro N, Miura Y, Miwa Y, Nakamura M, Inagaki K and Kasama T. Reduction of serum ADAM17 level accompanied with decreased cytokines after Abatacept therapy in patients with rheumatoid arthritis. Int J Biomed Sci. 2014: 10(4): 229-235.



1 Kasama T, Ohtsuka K, Wakabayashi K, Isozaki T and Kobayashi K. Expression and involvement of cytokines, chemokines and adhesion molecules in rheumatoid vasuculitis, Book; Advances in Medicine and Biology. Volume 69, Chapter 3, Editor, Leon V. Berhardt, 2013, pp35-52.
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1 Kameda H, Ueki Y, Saito K, Nagaoka S, Hidaka T, Atsumi T, Tsukano M, Kasama T, Shiozawa S, Tanaka Y, Kanbe K, Sato E, Yamanaka H, Takeuchi; Japan Biological Agent Study Integrated Consortium et al.; Japan Biological Agent Integrated Consortium (JBASIC). A merged presentation of clinical and radiographic data using probability plots in a clinical trial, the JESMR study. Ann Rheum Dis. 2013 Feb;72(2):310-2.
2 Miwa Y, Hosaka M, Ohtsuka K, Sato M, Takahashi R, Wakabayashi K, Odai T, Yajima N and Kasama T. Depression in improved when low-dose tacrolumus is given to rheumatoid arthritis patients showing an inadequate response to biologic agents. Mod Rheumatol. 2013; 23:920-24.
3 Furuya H, Kasama T, Isozaki T, Umemura M, Otuka K, Isojima S, Tsukamoto H, Tokunaga T, Yanai R and Takahashi R. Effect of TNF antagonists on the productivity of daily work of patients with rheumatoid arthritis. J Multidiscip Healthc. 2013; 6: 25-30.
4 Tsou PS, Ruth JH, Campbell PL, Isozaki T, Lee S, Marotte H, Domino SE, Koch AE and Amin MA. A novel role for inducible Fut2 in angiogenesis. Angiogenesis. 2013 Jan; 16(1): 195-205.
5 Isozaki T, Rabquer BJ, Ruth JH, Haines GK 3rd and Koch AE. A disintegrin and metalloprotease 10 (ADAM10) is overexpressed in rheumatoid arthritis synovial tissue and mediates angiogenesis. Arthritis Rheum. 2013 Jan; 65(1): 98-108.
6 Isozaki T, Arbab AS, Haas CS, Amin MA, Arendt MD, Koch AE and Ruth JH. Evidence that CXCL16 is a potent mediator of angiogenesis and is involved in endothelial progenitor cell chemotaxis: studies in mice with K/BxN serum-induced arthritis. Arthritis Rheum. 2013 Jul; 65(7): 1736-46.
7 Tsou PS, Ruth JH, Campbell PL, Isozaki T, Lee S, Marotte H, Domino SE, Koch AE and Amin MA. A novel role for inducible Fut2 in angiogenesis. Angiogenesis. 2013 Jan;16(1):195-205.
8 Isozaki T, Rabquer BJ, Ruth JH, Haines GK 3rd andKoch AE.A disintegrin and metalloprotease 10 (ADAM10) is overexpressed in rheumatoid arthritis synovial tissue and mediates angiogenesis. Arthritis Rheum. 2013 Jan;65(1):98-108.
9 Isozaki T, Arbab AS, Haas CS, Amin MA, Arendt MD, Koch AE and Ruth JH. Evidence for CXCL16 as a potent angiogenic mediator and endothelial progenitor cell chemotactic factor. Arthritis Rheum. In press.
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11 Furuya H, Kasama T, Isozaki T, Umemura M, Otsuka K, Isojima S, Tsukamoto H, Tokunaga T, Yanai R, Takahashi R. Effect of TNF antagonists on the productivity of daily work of patients with rheumatoid arthritis. J Multidiscip Healthc. 2013;6:25-30.
12 Umemura M, Miwa Y, Yanai R, Isojima S, Tokunaga T, Tsukamoto H, Takahashi R, Yajima N, Kasama T, Takahashi N, Sueki H, Yamaguchi S, Arai K, Takeuchi Y, Ohike N, Norose T, Yamochi-Onizuka T, Takimoto M. A case of Degos disease: demonstration of C5b-9-mediated vascular injury. Mod Rheumatol. 2013 (in press).
13 Kasama T, Isojima S, Umemura M, Tsukamoto H, Tokunaga T, Furuya H, Yanai R, Takahashi R, Nakamura M, Inagaki K. Serum macrophage migration inhibitory factor levels are correlated with response to tocilizumab therapy in patients with rheumatoid arthritis. Rheumatol Int 2013 (in press)


1 KasamaT, Furuya H, Yanai R, Ohtsuka K, Takahashi R, Yajima N, Miwa Y. Kobayashi K. Correlation of serum CX3CL1 level with disease activity in adult-onset Still's disease and significant involvement in hemophagocytic syndrome. Clin Rheumatol. 2012;31(5):853-60.
2 Kasama T, Umemura M, Isojima S, Isozaki T. Angiogenesis-related cytokines in rheumatoid arthritis. Immunology, Endocrine & Metabolic Agents in Medicinal Chemistry” Vol.12, No.4,2012.
3 三輪裕介、穂坂路男、松島大輔、古屋秀和、大塚久美子、佐藤理仁、高橋 良、若林邦伸、小田井 剛、矢嶋宣幸。笠間 毅、真田健史.関節リウマチ患者に対する生物学的製剤の有効性はQOL、抑うつ状態に影響を及ぼすか.心身医学、2012;52:309-314.
4 笠間 毅(分担執筆).膠原病に伴う血液障害 アレルギー・リウマチ膠原病診療最新ガイドライン.Pp256-260, 2012. 総合医学社 東京.
5 三輪裕介、柳井 亮、古屋秀和、笠間 毅(分担執筆).多中心性網状組織球症 アレルギー・リウマチ膠原病診療最新ガイドライン. pp307-309, 2012, 総合医学社,東京
6 Kasama T, Umemura M, Isojima S, Isozaki T. Angiogenesis-related cytokines in rheumatoid arthritis. Immunology, Endocrine & Metabolic Agents in Medicinal Chemistry” Vol. 12, No. 4, 2012.
7 Kasama T, Umemura M, Isojima S, Furuya H, Yanai R, Isozaki T. Clinical significance of cytokines and chemokines in neuropsychiatric systemic lupus erythematosus. Current Rheumatology Reviews 2012; 8: 296-306.


1 Kameda H, Kanbe K, Kasama T, et al. Continuation of Methotrexate Resulted in Better Clinical and Radiographic Outcomes Than Discontinuation upon Starting Etanercept in Patients with Rheumatoid Arthritis: 52-week Results from the JESMR Study. J Rheumatol. 2011;38:1585-92.
2 Isozaki T, Ohtsuka K, Sato M, Takahashi R, Wakabayashi K, Yajima N, Miwa Y, Kasama T: Synergistic induction of CX3CL1 by interleukin-1 and interferon- in human lung fibroblasts: involvement of signal transducer and activator of transcription 1 signaling pathways. Transl Res. 2011;157:64–70.
3 Wakabayashi K, Sato M, Takahashi R, Odai T, Isozaki T, Yajima N, Miwa Y, and Kasama T. Elevated serum levels of macrophage migration inhibitory factor (MIF) and their significant correlation with rheumatoid vasculitis disease activity. Mod Rheumatol. 2011;22:59-65.
4 Kasama T, Takahashi R, Wakabayashi K, Miwa Y. Clinical relevance of cytokines, chemokines and adhesion molecules in systemic vasculitis. In Book “Advances in the Etiology, Pathogenesis and Pathology of Vasculitis”. chapter 10, edited by: Dr. Luis M Amezcua-Guerra, MD. Publisher; InTech, Rijeka, Croatia. p195-222, 2011.
5 笠間 毅、佐藤理人、高橋 良、CNSループス-病型分類と治療指針、Medical Practice 2011;28:1195-1200.
6 笠間 毅、大塚久美子.新規TNF-α阻害薬ゴリムマブの有効性と安全性.リウマチ科 2011;45:81-87.
7 小田井剛、笠間 毅:アダリムマブ+MTXを用いたPREMIER試験の5年後の結果.リウマチ科 2011;46:5-10.
8 三輪裕介、大塚久美子、佐藤理仁、高橋良、笠間 毅;抗CCP抗体とリウマトイド因子.成人病と生活習慣病 2011;41:39-43.
9 笠間 毅、黒坂大太郎、山田 尚、実地医家における関節リウマチの現状;成人病と生活習慣病 2011;41:7-16.
10 笠間 毅“私の処方”トトレキサート抵抗性関節リウマチに対するミゾリビンの少量間歇併用療法.Modern Physician 2011;31:1019.
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13 小田井剛、笠間 毅:アダリムマブ+MTXを用いたPREMIER試験の5年後の結果.リウマチ科 2011;46:5-10.
14 高橋 良、笠間 毅:リウマトイド血管炎.リウマチ科 2011;46:485-489.
15 三輪裕介、柳井 亮、古屋秀和、大塚久美子、笠間 毅.リウマチ性疾患、III.各科疾患における向精神薬の使用法.特集:身体疾患と向精神薬.日本臨床2012;70:99-103.
16 三輪裕介、笠間 毅、穂坂路男、松島大輔.関節リウマチにおける慢性疼痛と抑うつ状態.女性心身医学2012;16:256-259.


1 Kasama T, Wakabayashi K, Sato M, Takahashi R, Isozaki T: Critical relevance of the CX3CL1/fractalkine-CX3CR1 pathway in vasculitis and vasculopathy (Review article). Transl Res. 2010;155:20-26.
2 Miwa Y, Muramatsu M, Takahashi R, Wakabayashi K, Odai T, Isozaki T, Yajima N, Kasama T; Dermatomyositis complicated with hemorrhagic shock of the iliopsoas muscle on both sides and the thigh muscle. Mod Rheumatol. 2010;20:420-422.
3 Isozaki T, Kasama T, Wakabayashi K, Sato M, Takahashi R: Effects of low-dose tacrolimus therapy in combination with methotrexate in patients with methotrexate-refractory rheumatoid arthritis. Rheumatol Res Rev. 2010;2:29-34.
4 Kasama T, Ohtsuka K, Sato M, Takahashi R, Wakabayashi K, Kobayashi K: Macrophage migration inhibitory factor: a multifunctional cytokine in rheumatic disease. (Review article) Arthritis Volume 2010, Article ID 106202.
5 Isozaki T, Kasama T, Wakabayashi K, Sato K, Takahashi R: Cytokine-mediated regulation of CX3CL1 in osteoblasts from patients with rheumatoid arthritis. Immunol Immunogenet Insight 2010;2:23–29.
6 Isozaki T, Yajima N, Sato M, Takahashi R, Kuninobu Wakabayashi, Miwa Y, Masao Negishi, Hirotsugu Ide, Kasama T,. A case of rheumatoid arthritis with bucillamine-induced yellow nail syndrome initially manifesting as pulmonary. Medicine Insights 2010;4:63–68.
7 Kasama T, Sato M, Takahashi R, Odai T and Kobayashi K; The CX3CL1/CX3CR1 axis is a sensitive marker of the response to anti-TNF therapy in patients with rheumatoid arthritis. (Review article) J Clin Rheumatol Musculoskel Med. 2010;1:19-25.
8 Kasama T, Takahashi R, Sato M and Wakabayashi K. Macrophage inflammatory protein 1 and CCR5 as potential therapeutic targets for HIV infection and acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (Book series “Frontiers in Anti-Infective Drug Discovery”) (Volume 1) 2010;227-237, edited by Prof. M. Iqbal Choudhary and Prof. Atta-ur-Rahman. Bentham Science Publishers.
9 Kameda H, Ueki Y, Kasama T. et al.; Japan Biological Agent Study Integrated Consortium. Etanercept (ETN) with methotrexate (MTX) is better than ETN monotherapy in patients with active rheumatoid arthritis despite MTX therapy: a randomized trial. Mod Rheumatol. 2010;20:531-8.
10 笠間 毅:SLEモデルマウスにおけるCXCL12/CXCR4の過剰発現と治療標的としての可能性.リウマチ科 2010;43:402-406.
11 根岸雅夫、佐藤理仁、高橋 良、若林邦伸、小田井剛、磯崎健男、矢嶋宣幸、三輪裕介、笠間 毅:メトトレキサート療法にエスケープをきたしたRAへの免疫抑制薬の追加併用療法.リウマチ科 2010;43:222-224.
12 笠間 毅:基礎研究と臨床の融合を目指して:昭和大学リウマチ膠原病内科. 分子リウマチ治療 増刊号3、34-34、2010.
13 三輪裕介、佐藤理仁、高橋 良、若林邦伸、小田井 剛、磯崎健男、矢嶋宣幸。笠間 毅、穂坂路雄、エタネルセプト治療による関節リウマチ患者の抑うつ状態改善の機序.臨床リウマチ 2010;22:91-98.
14 笠間 毅、“アダリムマブ”特集:関節リウマチの治療-ベーシックな治療薬と最新薬のハーモニー.Modern Physician 2010;30:1071-1075.
15 磯崎健男、大塚久美子、笠間 毅:ループス腎炎モデルマウスにおけるCXCL3, Th1, Th17.リウマチ科 2010;44:348-353.
16 若林邦伸, 大塚久美子, 笠間毅.【これだけは知っておきたい検査のポイント】免疫学的検査 自己免疫関連検査 抗Jo-1抗体およびそのほかの抗アミノアシルtRNA合成酵素抗体(解説/特集) Medicina 2010;47:454-455.
17 笠間 毅, 佐藤理仁, 高橋良.【これだけは知っておきたい検査のポイント】血液生化学検査 蛋白 補体(解説/特集).Medicina 2010;47:135-137.


1 Kasama T, Isozaki T, Sato M, Takahashi R, Wakabayashi K, Tezuka M. Dose-specific biphasic effects of simvastatin on the expression of CXCL10 and CX3CL1 by human osteoblasts. Immunol Immunogenetics Insights 2009:1;29–36.
2 Kasama T, Wakabayashi, Odai T, Isozaki T, Matsunawa M, Yajima N, Miwa Y, Negishi M and Ide H. Effects of low-dose mizoribine pulse therapy in combination with methotrexate in rheumatoid arthritis patients with an insufficient response to methotrexate. Mod Rheumatol. 2009;19:395-400.
3 Matsunawa M, Odai T, Wakabayashi K, Isozaki T, Yajima N, Nohtomi K, Takeuchi H, Miwa Y and Kasama T: Elevated Serum Levels of Soluble CX3CL1 in Patients with Microscopic Polyangiitis. Clin Exp Rheumatol 2009; 27: 72-78.
4 Kanemitsu H, Matsunawa M, Wakabayashi K, Sato M, Takahashi R, Odai T, Isozaki T, Yajima N, Miwa Y, and Kasama T: Increased serum levels of macrophage migration inhibitory factor (MIF) in patients with microscopic polyangiitis. Rheumatol Res Rev. 2009;1:1-8.
5 Odai T, Matsunawa M, Takahashi R, Wakabayashi K, Isozaki T, Yajima N, Miwa Y, and Kasama T: Correlation of CX3CL1 and CX3CR1 levels with response to infliximab therapy in patients with rheumatoid arthritis. J Rheumatol. 2009;36:1158-1165.
6 笠間 毅: 全身性エリテマトーデスにおける妊娠・出産、特集:リウマチ性疾患と妊娠・出産、リウマチ科 2009;42:598-602.
7 笠間 毅: Central nervous system vasculitisの診断と治療、リウマチ科 2009;42:557-563.
8 笠間 毅、矢嶋宣幸、三輪裕介、生物学的製剤の可能性を再考する-自験例を中心に:日本臨床リウマチ学会雑誌 2009;21:370-374.
9 三輪裕介、笠間 毅: 抑うつと睡眠障害.特集:関節リウマチ合併症の診断と対処法.リウマチ科 2009;41:371-377.
10 根岸雅夫、若林邦伸、小田井剛、磯崎健男、矢嶋宣幸、三輪裕介、笠間毅:インフリキシマブ、エタネルセプト治療による関節破壊の改善が認められた2症例.リウマチ科 2009;41:140-142.


1 Kasama T, Shiozawa F, Isozaki T, Matsunawa M, Wakabayashi K, Odai T, Yajima N, Miwa Y, Negishi M, and Ide H: Effect of the H2 Receptor Antagonist Nizatidine on Xerostomia in Patients with Primary Sjögren's Syndrome. Mod Rheumatol. 2008;18:455-459.
2 Kasama T, Odai T, Wakabayashi K, Yajima N, Miwa Y: Chemokines in systemic lupus erythematosus involving the central nervous system (Review article). Front Biosci. 2008;13:2527-2536.
3 Kasama T, Isozaki T, Wakabayashi K Odai T and Matsunawa M: Critical Involvement of Cytokines and Chemokines in the Pathogenesis of Rheumatoid Vasculitis (Review article). Clinical Medicine: Arthritis and Musculoskeletal Disorders 2008;2:1-8.
4 Yajima N, Wakabayashi K, Odai T, Isozaki T, Matsunawa M, Miwa Y, Negishi M, Ide H, and Kasama T: Clinical features of hemophagocytic syndrome in patients with dermatomyositis. J Rheumatol. 2008;35:1838-1341
5 Miwa Y, Isozaki T, Wakabayashi K, Odai T, Matsunawa M, Yajima N, Negishi M, Ide H, Kasama T, Adachi M, Hisayuki T, Takemura T: Tacrolimus-induced lung injury in a rheumatoid arthritis patient with interstitial pneumonitis. Mod Rheumatol. 2008;18:208-211.
6 Miwa M, Hosaka M, Wakabayashi K, Odai T, Isozaki T, Matsunawa M, Yajima N, Shiozawa F, Hanaoka R, Negishi M, Ide H, Kasama T, Adachi M; Rheumatoid arthritis patients with Sjögren's syndrome are more prone to depression than patients with rheumatoid arthritis or Sjögren's syndrome alone (Review article). Curr Rheumatol Rev. 2008;4:46-49.
7 Kasama T, Wakabayashi K, Odai T and Isozaki T: Expression and function of angiomodulating cytokines in rheumatoid arthritis and experimental arthritis: important therapeutic targets (Review article). Curr Immunol Rev. 2008;4:159-167.
8 Isozaki T, Kasama T, Odai T, Wakabayashi K, Matsukura S, Adachi M and Tezuka M: Synergistic induction of CX3CL1 by TNF- and IFN- in osteogenic cells from rheumatoid arthritis: Involvement of NF-B and STAT-1 signaling pathways. J Inflam Res. 2008;1:19-28.
9 笠間 毅:関節リウマチの治療の新展開:生物学的製剤治療による新展開.東京都医師会雑誌 2008;61:40-48.
10 三輪裕介、穂坂路男、松島大輔、若林邦伸、小田井剛、松縄瑞穂、矢嶋宣幸、根岸雅夫、井出宏嗣、笠間毅、足立満:Infliximab治療はmethotrexate単独治療と比較してより強力に関節リウマチ患者の抑うつ状態を改善する.心身医学 2008;48:289-295.
11 三輪裕介、大場啓一郎、小田井剛、白井崇生、笠間毅、足立満: 両側胸水貯留、末梢血好酸球増多にて発症した宮崎肺吸虫症の1例. アレルギーの臨床 2008;28:64-68.
12 三輪裕介、穂坂路男、松島大輔、若林邦伸、小田井剛、松縄瑞穂、矢嶋宣幸、根岸雅夫、井出宏嗣、笠間毅、足立満:Infliximab治療による関節リウマチ患者の抑うつ状態改善の機序.心身医学 2008;48:795-801.
13 笠間 毅:全身性エリテマトーデス;膠原病診療の最近の進歩と今後の展望MEDICO誌 2008;39:425-430.
14 根岸雅夫、伊平慶三、若林邦伸、小田井剛、磯崎健男、松縄瑞穂、矢嶋宣幸、三輪裕介、笠間毅:スルファサラジン治療中に顆粒球減少症を発症した関節リウマチの1症例.リウマチ科 2008;39:88-90.


1 Kasama T, Isozaki T, Odai T, Matsunawa M, Wakabayashi K, Takeuchi HT, Matsukura S, Adachi M, Tezuka M, and Kobayashi K: Expression of angiopoietin-1 in osteoblasts and its inhibition by tumor necrosis factor alpha and interferon gamma. Transl Res. 2007;149:265-273.
2 Odaka M, Matsukura S, Kuga H, Kokubu F, Kasama T, Kurokawa M, Kawaguchi M, Ieki K, Suzuki S, Watanabe S, Homma T, Takeuchi H, Nohtomi K, Schleimer RP, Adachi M: Differential regulation of chemokine expression by Th1 and Th2 cytokines and mechanisms of eotaxin/CCL-11 expression in human airway smooth muscle cells. Int Arch Allergy Immunol. 2007;143:84-88.
3 Kasama T, Matsunawa M, Wakabayashi K, and Miwa Y: Clinical Relevance of Cytokines and Inflammatory Molecules in Rheumatoid Vasculitis (Review article). Curr Rheumatol Rev. 2007;3:309-316.
4 矢嶋宣幸、小田井剛、笠間 毅:皮膚筋炎に合併するhemophagocytic syndromeの臨床的特徴;リウマチ科 2007;37:117-123.


1 Yoda Y, Hanaoka R, Ide H, Isozaki T, Matsunawa M, Yajima N, Shiozawa F, Miwa Y, Negishi M, and Kasama T: Clinical evaluation of patients with inflammatory connective tissue diseases complicated by cytomegalovirus antigenemia. Mod Rheumatol. 2006;16:137-142.
2 Matsunawa M, Isozaki T, Odai T, Yajima N, Takeuchi HT, Negishi M, Ide H, Adachi M, and Kasama T: Increased serum levels of soluble fractalkine (CX3CL1) correlate with disease activity in rheumatoid vasculitis. Arthritis Rheum. 2006;54:3408-3416.
3 Matsukura S, Kokubu F, Kurokawa M, Kawaguchi M, Ieki K, Kuga H, Odaka M, Suzuki S, Watanabe S, Takeuchi H, Kasama T, and Adachi M: Synthetic double-stranded RNA induces multiple genes related to inflammation through Toll-like receptor 3 depending on NF-kappa B and/or IRF-3 in airway epithelial cells. Clin Exp Allergy 2006;36:1049-1062.
4 Kasama T, Isozaki T, Odai T, Matsunawa M, and Yajima N: Expression and function of cytokines and chemokines in neuropsychiatric related systemic lupus erythematosus (Review article). Curr Rheum Rev. 2006;2:177-185.
5 Kasama T, Yajima N, Matsukura S, and Adachi M: Macrophage inflammatory protein 1 and CCR5 as attractive therapeutic targets for HIV infection (Review article). Recent Patents on Anti -Infective Drug Discovery 2006;1:275-280.
6 根岸雅夫、小田井剛、磯崎健男、松縄瑞穂、矢嶋宣幸、依田欣之、塩澤史隆、三輪裕介、笠間 毅、 RAに対するタクロリムス(FK506)の6ヶ月間の評価:リウマチ科, 2006;36:234-236.


1 Yajima N, Kasama T, Isozaki T, Odai T, Matsunawa M, Negishi M, Ide H, Kameoka Y, Hirohata S, and Adachi M: Elevated levels of soluble fractalkine in active systemic lupus erythematosus: Potential involvement in neuropsychiatric manifestations. Arthritis Rheum. 2005;52:1670-1675.
2 Kasama T, Yajima N, Shiozawa F, and Hanaoka R: Immunobiology and regulatory mechanisms of the expression of angiogenic and angiostatic factors in arthritis inflammation in New Angiogenesis Research, edited by Zubar, R. V., Nova Science Publishers, New York, USA, 2005, pp257-277.
3 Kasama T: Editolial: The kinetics and profiles of inflammatory cells during inflammatory and allergic responses (Guest Editor: Tsuyoshi Kasama), Curr Drug Targets Inflamm Allergy 2005;4:271.
4 Kasama T, Miwa Y, Isozaki T, Odai T, Adachi M, and Kunkel SL: Neutrophil-derived cytokines: potential therapeutic targets in inflammation (review article). Curr Drug Targets Inflamm Allergy 2005;4:273-279.
5 矢嶋宣幸、笠間 毅、小田井 剛、磯崎健男、松縄瑞穂、塩沢史隆、依田欣之、花岡亮輔、根岸雅夫、井出宏嗣、足立 満:全身性エリテマトーデスにおける血清フラクタルカインについての解析:特に中枢神経病変との関連について;昭和医学会雑誌, 2005;第65巻:174-183.


1 Shiozawa F, Kasama T, Yajima N, Odai T, Isozaki T, Matsunawa M, Yoda Y, Negishi M, Ide H, and Adachi M: Enhanced expression of interferon-inducible protein 10 associated with Th1 profiles of chemokine receptor in autoimmune pulmonary inflammation of MRL/lpr mice. Arthritis Res Ther. 2004;6:R78-86.
2 Kasama T: Collagen-induced arthritis: a useful model for studying the kinetics and regulation of the cytokine network in arthritis development. in Recent Research Developments in Immunology (vol. 5), edited by Pandalai, S. G., Research Signpost, Kerala, India, 2004, pp295-311.
3 根岸雅夫、磯崎健男、松縄瑞穂、依田欣之、矢島宣幸、花岡亮輔、三輪裕介、笠間 毅、井出宏嗣:レフルノミド(アラバ錠)の使用経験;新薬と臨床, 2004;第53巻:489-493.
4 塩澤史隆、笠間 毅、小田井剛、磯崎健男、松縄瑞穂、矢島宣幸、依田欣之、花岡亮輔、井出宏嗣、足立満: 全身性エリテマトーデス(SLE)モデルマウスMRL/lprの肺障害におけるIP-10の関与;昭和医学会雑誌, 2004;第64巻:243-253.
5 根岸雅夫、松縄瑞穂、笠間 毅:薬剤性血管炎とその診断・治療;リウマチ科, 2004;31:488-494.


1 Hanaoka R, Kasama T, Muramatsu M, Yajima N, Shiozawa F, Miwa Y, Negishi M, Ide H, Miyaoka H, Uchida H, and Adachi M: A novel mechanism for the regulation of interferon-gamma inducible protein 10 (IP-10) expression in rheumatoid arthritis. Arthritis Res Ther. 2003;5:R74-81.
2 Hanyuda M, Kasama T, Isozaki T, Matsunawa M, Yajima N, Miyaoka H, Uchida H, Kameoka Y, Ide H, and Adachi M: Activated leukocytes express and secrete macrophage inflammatory protein-1α upon interaction with synovial fibroblasts of rheumatoid arthritis via a 2-integrin/ICAM-1 mechanism. Rheumatology (Oxford) 2003;42:1390-1397.
3 根岸雅夫、松縄瑞穂、三輪裕介、笠間 毅:シェーグレン症候群を合併するRA患者の心理状態;リウマチ科, 2003; 29: 467-474.
4 花岡亮輔、笠間 毅、足立 満:関節リウマチにおけるinterferon inducible protein 10の発現と役割.リウマチ科, 2003;29:58-64.


1 Miwa Y, Yajima N, Shiozawa F, Yoda Y, Hanaoka R, Hanyuda M, Hosaka M, Kasama T, Negishi M, Ide H, and Adachi M: Relationship between psychological factors and arthralgia in patients with rheumatoid arthritis. Mod Rheumatol. 2002;12:32-36.
2 Kasama T, Muramatsu M, Kobayashi K, Yajima N, Shiozawa F, Hanaoka R, Miwa Y, Negishi M, Ide H, and Adachi M: Interaction of monocytes with vascular endothelial cells synergistically induces interferon γ-inducible protein 10 expression through activation of specific cell surface molecules and cytokines. Cell Immunol 2002;219:131-139.
3 Ueda S, Fujiwara N, Naka T, Sakaguchi I, Ozeki Y, Yano I, Kasama T, and Kobayashi K: Structure-activity relationship of mycoloyl glycolipids derived from Rhodococcus sp. 4306. Microb Pathog. 2001;30:91-99.
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